Welcome to our article on Similac vs Enfamil for supplementing!
New parents are often uncertain about what to feed their infants. Life would have been so much easier if the babies could tell what they needed.
When you’re considering introducing formula to your baby, you must have had a good reason.
One of the common reasons moms site when trying to do is is that their milk supply is reducing and not enough for their baby.
If you’re in this category, then supplementing breastfeeding with formula, especially when your baby is less than 6 months, is the best way.
Formulas should normally not take the place of breast milk.
The market is flooded with infant formula, and the number and variety of products available can confuse most people. Similar and Enfamil are two popular brands, but even they have many variations.
In this article, you’ll learn some of the advantages of both brands and how to strategically choose between them.
Let’s get started, should we?
So, which one to use for supplementing – Similac or Enfamil?

Both Similac and Enfamil are trusted brands and have been in the market for a long time. While Enfamil has been there in the market since 1972, Similac has been there for a whole lot longer. Its been there since 1925.
The vital components like vitamins and minerals remain the same in all baby formulae. Baby supplements are regulated by the government.
It is the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins that will differ from one to another. DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) and ARA (Arachidonic Acid) are essential for the baby’s development and brain function.
Similac advance contains a higher amount of these and is at par with that of US breast milk. Advance also includes a higher amount of nucleotides which help boost an infant’s immune system.
So as far as DHA and ARA are concerned, Similac Advance is the product of choice.
Special Ingredients in baby formulas
Scientists have identified the beneficial components in breast milk and have added these to baby formulas to fortify them.
Some of these ingredients are:
- Iron
- Probiotics
- Antioxidants
These substances are considered crucial for a baby’s development. Iron supplementation can be useful for blood formation and especially help prematurely born kids.
DHA is essential for the brain, eyes, and nervous system. Ensuring a formula that contains all these substances not only benefits the internal organs but also ensures that the baby is born healthier and weighs more.
Compare the ingredients and choose what your baby requires. You may also consult a doctor for the same.
Similac Vs. Enfamil for Supplementing

Sugar: Similac has extra sugar, and the formula tastes better. Enfamil has lesser added sugar.
Ingredients: Enfamil scores higher with more nutritious components without the extra sugar.
Budget: Enfamil is more expensive than Similac, so if you are on a budget, you may consider Similac
Content: Enfamil has 15 formula products. Similac, on the other hand, has 20.
The variety and Dietary restrictions: Both the formulas accommodate a lot on dietary restrictions.
GMOs: Similac has lesser GMO components. Enfamil, however, has some GMO-free offerings in baby formula.
Keeping these considerations in mind, choose which your baby tolerates best.
Acceptance and tolerance
The best formula may not necessarily be the one with the best ingredients or a better brand. The one, your toddler, is most comfortable with should be your choice.
You should look for the following signs of intolerance:
- Excessive gas
- Fussiness
- Diarrhea (in some cases it may be bloody)
- Vomiting
- Poor weight gain
- Spitting up
If any of these signs show up, try changing the formula. Merely changing the brand may not help. Look for a formula with some other ingredients.
Maybe your kid is not able to tolerate some ingredients. If these problems continue, it is best to consult a pediatrician.
Enfamil: A Few Things to Consider Before Buying

Just like Similac and other baby formulas, Enfamil is liable to rejection. If you choose it over Similac after being convinced by some points in this article, you should have that at the back of your mind.
This is not to say you’ll be better off with another formula. It’s just important to know this so you don’t set your expectations too high.
But one thing you should is that the manufacturers try to make it one of the closest to breastmilk.
Because that helps reduce the probability of your baby rejecting it. And there are a lot of mothers who’ve successfully implanted it into their feeding regime. It shouldn’t be different for you, should it?
Aside from that, Enfamil may not be as widely available as Similac. And that means it might be pricey, compared to others.
For those who really want to use this as a supplement, then it’s worth looking at it. Even if your baby’s tummy is sensitive, then it should be good for them. Some moms have stated that it does help with both gas and constipation.
Similac: A Few Things to Consider Before Buying

Similac is also a very good product. It’s also extremely popular among mothers.
From our research, we find more moms are more inclined towards the Enfamil than Similac.
There are a lot of reasons most choose Enfamil. Some state the consistency of the powder as the reason they don’t use Similac.
Others state that it helps reduce gas and reflux in their babies. Moreover, if you’re supplementing, Enfamil has been found to be even better for that reason.
From what’s available, it seems Enfamil is the closest to breast milk. And that is why most parents flock to it.
But here is the hitch – Enfamil is very much expensive than others, even Similac. Here, you can see there are quite a few benefits of the Enfamil over the Similac.
On the positive side, the Similac formula is not as expensive. So, if you’re working with a budget, it probably will be your most suitable option.
Again, it’s possible that Similac is readily available than Enfamil. If you can afford Enfamil but can’t get it due to unavailability, the obvious choice will then be Enfamil.
Final Words
As you can see from the above, deciding between the two is now easier, isn’t it? The debate of Similac vs Enfamil for supplementing shouldn’t agitate you again as before.
If you have the money, you probably will look at going with Enfamil. They’re not as popular but seems to be the closest to breast milk.
If you’re working with a budget, you probably will be more inclined towards Similac. And they’re not bad either!