If you are looking for the best pump for exclusively pumping under $200, you’ll enjoy this article. It’s parked with tidbits of advice and good recommendations to make exclusive pumping stress-free.
If you have to spend time away from your baby, maybe at work for example, then breastfeeding might be impossible.
Feeding your baby formula is an option. However, many scientists (and moms!) agree that breast milk is best for the baby.
Breast pumps from companies like Medela, Spectra, Lansinoh, etc., provide a solution to this problem.
The breast milk can be pumped (or ‘expressed’) and stored at home in the refrigerator.
Breast pumps can also help when other problems arise.
If you have sore nipples, for example, breast pumps can be more comfortable than an eager baby’s mouth!
Some babies don’t grasp the idea of breastfeeding as readily as others. Here again, a breast pump can provide mothers milk for the baby.
These pumps are quite handy to use. And their portability is what makes them attractive to be carried around.
A must for the breastfeeding mother on the move.
Now, you understand the benefits of using breast pumps…which are the most suitable models for exclusively pump?
I’ve done it for you and have drilled down to only a few bottles for small breasts. You’ll find the reviews, pros, cons, and which is the best for you to buy.
So…What’s the Top Breast Pump for Exclusive Pumping?
Spectra Baby USA S2Plus Electric Breast Pump

This specific breast pump is our recommendation for exclusive pumping!
This breast pump provides a smooth and quiet single or double pumping experience.
Featuring a touch button for use with digital controls, this pump is ready to adjust the speed and rhythm to your likeness.
It comes with a night light, a timer and an adjustable suction that has different modes for expression and letdown including a massage mode to mimic natural baby suckling.
The suction also includes backflow protection technology to eliminate contamination of the expressed milk.
If you are trying to keep your baby breastfeeding but always on the go, you need a suitable breast pump to help. With this breast pump, it should be easy and all the extra work you do while do direct breastfeeding should reduce significantly.
Now, before getting into the reviews and comparison of different models, here is an overview of the guide:
Now, let’s go through our recommendations.
Best Pump For Exclusively Pumping in 2024
1. S2 Plus Premier Electric Breast Pump – Editor’s Choice

This breast pump provides a smooth and quiet single or double pumping experience.
Featuring a touch button for use with digital controls, this pump is ready to adjust the speed and rhythm to your likeness.
It comes with a night light, a timer and an adjustable suction that has different modes for expression and letdown including a massage mode to mimic natural baby suckling.
The suction also includes backflow protection technology to eliminate contamination of the expressed milk.
It is easy to clean, assemble and has minimal noise levels.
The suction may fail after extended use. And the duckbill valves with the suction valves may fall off the cup parts after a while.
The cleaning of the machine is quite easy.
All the parts that come in direct contact with the breast and the milk may be disassembled. And you can place them in a pan of water and boiled for about half an hour.
The parts may then be rinsed and allowed to dry in the air.
You can also use Anti-Bacterial Wipes. They can disinfect the parts quite effectively, too.
2. BelleMa Effective Pro Double Electric Breast Pump – Runner Up

This breast pump is highly effective through simulation of a baby’s suckling and swallowing to normalize letdown and features 9 adjustable suction modes for further customization of the experience.
It has two motors, one for each breast, that operate independently and can have different configurations as well as assuring the user of no suction reduction anomalies during the expression process.
This model has a small base station and caters for fast pumping.
On the other hand, it may get hot which leads to burnout and failure after periods of extended use.
The suction may also fail with time, and adversely affect the pumping process.
The milk collected through such expression may be stored in a refrigerator. This helps to prevent contamination by bacterial growth.
Milk can be refrigerated quite easily for five to seven days. However, if it has to be stored for longer periods, then it is advisable to make use of deep freezers.
A frozen milk container should not be thawed in any microwave equipment, but, instead, should be held under warm milk for some time.
Due to the low temperature, fats tend to separate from the milk and appear as lumps in the container.
This fat should be blended with the liquid by shaking the container gently, while the thawing is in progress.
3. Medela, Swing, Single Electric Breast Pump

The Medela Swing Breast Pump comes with an AC adapter cord for home use.
The pump also has a compartment to fit 4 AA batteries for when you’re on the move.
When using battery power you’ll generally find the Medela Swing Pump will give you 2-4 hours of operation.
A common problem in many pumps is that there will be a noticeable loss of power or vacuum when switching to battery operation.
However, this is one problem that high-quality Medela pumps generally overcome.
While you may notice a slight loss of power in battery mode, it’s not as noticeable in the Medela Swing Breast Pump as it is in many other breast pumps on the market.
One of the great benefits of a single pump is that they’re much more discreet and easier to store and transport than the double pumps.
The Medela Swing Breast Pump comes with a carry bag, but will also fit comfortably inside many purses too.
For this reason, many mothers prefer a single pump for use in the office. It’s a lot more discreet to quickly duck out with your purse in hand than it is with a backpack or tote over your shoulder.
What’s the verdict?
It’s probably the most expensive single electric pump on the market.
But you really do get what you pay for and the Medela does manufacture high-quality breast pumps, the Medela Swing is no exception.
Highly recommended.
4. Lansinoh Signature Pro Double Portable Electric Breast Pump

This breast pump packs an LCD display for process control and settings which includes 3 different letdown modes to choose from.
The suction levels are adjustable in 8 different modes to cater for different pumping styles to achieve maximum milk expression as desired.
The design of the unit also features a closed design that assures hygiene and comfort during the process.
This model presents flexibility, convenience, and hygiene to the user throughout its use.
Despite this, the product may be marred by low suction levels and is a little loud.
The Lansinoh Signature Pro Electric Breast Pump also comes to the rescue of mothers with mastitis and engorgement.
In both of these situations, breastfeeding becomes quite painful.
Also, in cases where the child is born premature or weak, it is not able to nurse for a sufficiently long period of time and can get tired easily.
In such circumstances, the child can be fed with milk expressed from the breasts, with the help of this breast pump.
The Lansinoh Signature Pro Electric Breast Pump is an answer to prayers of the modern breastfeeding mother of today.
Basically, any mom who is always on the lookout for solutions that maximize ease and comfort in day-to-day tasks.
Final Words
Breast pumps are an answer also for children who cannot nurse at the breast for various reasons.
It might be simply that they not have picked up the naturally efficient technique of sucking at the breast to get their food.
Since the mother’s milk is the best food that the child will ever get, and no amount of formula milk can substitute it.
It would indeed be a waste for the family if, despite the mother being able to express, the milk does not reach the child.
The market today is flooded with breast pumps that come in all hues, each tailormade for breastfeeding mothers in one or the other situation.
Finally, our recommended pump for exclusive pumping is the S2 Plus Premier Electric Breast Pump.
Here are some other interesting models that you might like: